April 13, 2010



I've made a blog to document my personal war. The two sides? Handmade, tangible goodness and tech-y, digital resources. As a future librarian, I spend a lot of time at a computer doing reference and research. While I appreciate the ways that technology has opened up research and scholarly communication, I struggle to find a deep connection to these technologies. Unlike a physical book or a teacup, blogs, websites, and databases don't cause me to daydream and sigh away an afternoon. For me, that's a problem. Like many others, the amount of technology in my life has sent me searching for tangible objects with which to spend my free time. This connection to objects is not, in my opinion, materialism, but simply a yearning for a real connection to the creative part of my brain. So, if you are at all interested in libraries, books, crafts, the arts, or daydreams, welcome. I'm looking forward to meeting you.

You might be wondering why a blog is the way to do this: after all, if I am so sick of technology, shouldn't I be writing in a leather bound journal? I don't hate technology; I just want to explore my relationship with it. Blogs have an enormous potential for communication. Please comment or email me. I'd love to hear what you're thinking about these topics.

My current obsessions: milk glass, paper, cupcakes, picnics.

See you soon!


  1. Love that your twitter acount is a list of things you are consuming. haha.

  2. @Liz-- of course! The Twitter was, for a very long time, a private joke between G and I. It has only recently become something public...there will probably be more relevant posts in the future, but don't worry--the food consumption will remain. Thanks for reading!
