May 17, 2010

monday monday

So many changes are afoot!

Lots of big things are happening in my life right now. I have a feeling this blog is going to subtly change with them. I know it is designed as a blog to document my relationship with technology...but it is also about handmade lovelies and how I feel. And right now I'm feeling a lot. A lot of things, different emotions, but mostly just a lot of everything all the time.

One of these big changes is that I will be starting my first professional jobs in 15 days. This not only is a big lifestyle change, it means moving, buying a car, etc. The apartment has just been confirmed and is my first solo (no roommates!) apartment. I've had a few amazing roommates (flatmates too) in the past, but I'm ready and excited to live alone. This also will give me more opportunity to create new crafts, decorations, etc for this new home. I am planning on really working out my personal aesthetic and design inspirations. There are many limitations to this space, but I hope to find a way to make it mine.

So, no real post today, just a warning that this space might be little more cluttered and distracted than I would have hoped. For now, here is some inspiration from around the web:

Tiny bunny love

toilet paper tubes of awesomeness

serious dress crush

planter table

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