June 6, 2010


Every January, I think to myself: geez, I should record every book I read this year. Then, at years end, I’ll have an idea of how much I’m reading, what I’m reading, etc.

Every March, I think to myself: geez, I really meant to do that. Too late.

This June, I thought to myself: geez, just do it.

So, since my birthday is coming up, I decided to celebrate this next year of my life by recording each book I read. At the end I’ll analyze it (to a certain extent) and see just what my literary consumption consists of (a literary audit of sorts). I’ll probably post a “year’s best” or “favorites” list, but that isn’t really the point. The point is to just figure out what it is I really read. As a librarian, people assume you read widely, but I am not sure that is always the case. Hopefully this project will allow me to identify some of the areas that I should explore more fully.

So, to help me start out the year with a bang, please send me (via a comment or an email) some reading suggestions!

1 comment:

  1. The Once and Future King, by T.H.White
