It hit the 50s today in Wisconsin. This is apparently enough to drive people a little nuts, because the library was out of control today. You know how they say that the first really hot weekend of the summer murder rates go up? Well, apparently a nice day in January makes the public get demanding, cranky, and plain old strange. (And yes, I mean more demanding, cranky, and strange than some of them normally are!)
It was a long day at work today. All of us were having a rough day. And yet even at the end of this day from hell, I honestly can say I would not have wanted to be working anywhere else. I got to make some book displays, I talked to a lot of different people, and I managed to talk one older lady through downloading and using an app on her iPad over the phone. The sound of accomplishment in her voice when it worked properly was worth every second. I put several people on the waiting list for computer classes; while it is a bummer that they are full already, at least we know we're filling a real need. (I teach intro to computer classes to the public.) Plus I got to give people books! What could be better?
Public libraries = the best.
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